Field Observation Of Kampung Pulo

June 20, 2009, the accounting Student study programs Faculty of Economics second semester has conducted field observations to Kampung Pulo in Leles Garut Regency. Participants by as much as 70 people with 2 persons observing the Supervisor State of social, cultural and political community of Kampung Pulo, which is the number of the main building were maintained as much as 7 units. In addition to culture social observation society, in Kampung pulo also found a temple with a statue of Siwa according to estimates of archaeologists was built in the 8th century.  In addition to the temple which is not too large, there is also the tomb of Mbah Arif Muhammad  who is regarded as the ancestor and founder of the Kampung Pulo. Mbah Arif Muhammad was a soldier of Islamic Mataram who escaped from Batavia since losing the war during the reign of Sultan Agung invaded Batavia, then fled in the direction of Garut, and then settled on a small island in the middle of the Lake. Then spread the religion of Islam in the region and beyond.

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